I haven't seen that error before, so not entirely sure what caused it. But it looks like an issue either with your drivers or your operating system, not working with the version of Ren'py my game is currently running at.
Try completely removing any ren'py games that have this issue(also delete any ren'py files from that directory it mentioned too). And reinstall.
If not, it could be an issue with your PC specifically, which I can't really help with unfortunately.
This might be the best game I have play in a long time, it's just great man, I really hope everything goes smoothly with the development (really expecting pregnancy content) anyway, keep the good work
I'm not sure. I'm working on finishing Lenya's story for v0.12. After, I need to do Cecilia/Violet, then the final villain/finale for act 2. If I do somehow get to act 3, it'll be very late into the year, but realistically, it'll be next year most likely.
(Another question💀) I've seen that it takes about 2-3 months to release an update, so i think your next release maybe around March or April, am i correct?
[if it releases on my birthday {April 9} I'm marking it as best game ever👌]
Yeah. Right now v0.11 is already done and on my patreon. I'll release it here when I finish v0.12. It's looking like it'll be sometime April, when I finish
So version v0.12 will be a patreon exclusive? I thought it worked like we get the same versions as the patreons but their one is animated and they have cheats and stuff, dang now im one version behind😭
The patreon version is one ahead of the public. But it'll eventually come here. When I get closer to the games completion, I'll look to selling it here for people that also want to buy it
Usually, saves from the previous update will work with the next update(Within 1 version of each other). You can also just jump to the act you want to start from, so you don't need to play the game from the beginning.
yo created this account to be able to comment about your game. i'm a Christian and yes i play these types of games becasue i'm human not perfect(lol). but while i sin and play these games i want to tell you about my experience. This game is great i played the game up to latest verion(Whole story as well) and i will say brother your game is amazeing, story is 9/10 if i was to not be truly honest its a 10/10 the way the characters have feelings, personality, the fact that the mc is how we would be if we where in his situation feels great becasue Many games dont do that(Like ETERNUM at the recent chapters when the Mc got buff mind you no tranning as well and all of a sudden he's a chad'(this is a porn game not real life becasue we see to much of this in our day to day life like be yourself becasue thats why i loved their game at the start before, but i digress)'. your game dose a great Job at that he worked for his strength, and he is still himself and thats a big part when makeing games dont change the reason the fans and supporters loved the game at the start.). your game is my top 2 favs of corn games(also adictive lol) as a christian am not perfect but i dont lust even tho it seems i'm sining i am not lusting reason why its technically not a sin but i try to not sin regardless so its pretty funny to hear this from a guy as myself. Your animations dont need to be clean or perfect becasue how you did your animations are very good becasue it fits with your art style. it dosent need to be 3d if people are pushing that nataritive on you. and agin i been here sence the old anamation and it was fine i enjoyed it still. All am trying to say is keep it up brother your game is amazeing i enjoy laughing at jokes the mc says and how i can relate with the mc. an example of this was when he had to feed his trainer his seed for them to survive and i was laughing my but off. it was 1 of my favs moment in the game, And how the game is. your very unique and dont rush. This game has crazy potential and plot twist that could happen anytime becasue of whats its based on so be creative take your time if you want to contune the game dont rush and i will keep supporting brother. have a blessed day. I hope me writteing this to you just lets you know theirs others like me who think your game is amazeing and to not stop. And agin Godbless.
I'll still have a free/public version, but the final version I plan on selling, will have everything available currently on my patreon -Animations, full story content, etc
if possible could it be like cheats or special content for the paid version but the free version still gets to the end because i actually really want to get to the end of this and see what happens
Just created an account for this masterpiece... I don't even need to talk about logic flow, bonding with characters. This game is both my first adult game and my first visual novel game I've ever played. I really thought about "What would happen to Lily if I won't go back to town in 10 days?" Then game told me I can leave money to Lily. I was always thinking about Lily when I was in the forest. It's only been 4-5(?) hours gameplay and I'm just addicted to this game lol even if I dont have that master/slave or bonding fetish. The only bad thing is lack of sound effects. The game would be more lively if there were sound effects. I'll give it a solid 8.5 out of 10. Good job man I hope we can see your new projects like this too.
good game so far!!! my only complein will be that some animations get locked up when you progress in the history. I wish there was a gallery or some kind of variation on the scenes that can be selected after the story "progresses". (but for now i use old saves in case i want to play old scenes)
again good game.
Note: the slave/love system work for someone other than lily and violet? (the "second act" feels more story-driven than "using progress bars")
Glad you've enjoyed it! I have some ideas for a gallery in a future update, but nothing guaranteed yet. And there will be more training similar to Lily, in act 3. Act 2 is more for the secondary girls/their stories and romances
for chapter 3 could you make it business oriented like you pay for upkeep taxes but you also get passive income even though at the start it wont be much at all
will you add in tax to so that a person couldn't just grind it up or make a bigger debt to pay back and will the cat girls be highly jealous of the others later so much they will start fighting and your game is pretty entertaining
It'll probably be a weekly income or something along that way. And yes. The current version I'm working on is Lenya's next update and there will be a lot of jealously between the cat girls.
Am seeing some of these comments and... It might be cause i mainly skip through much of the Dialog (like I do everywhere...), and...
I actually thought they were just a weirdo man with 3rd wall-breaking abilities lol
Also, really awesome game, waiting for updates, the game seems really, really promising
Edit1: I am now reading the secondary characters log... And just noticed it says "she"... Lol...
Also, could it be possible to add something of a Gallery? To view the scenes from the game... Ones we done are unlocked and the ones we havent done yet are locked, maybe with bits of hints?... Probably just S*x-like scenes...
Yes, she's a girl. But only the MC knows that, since everyone else sees her as an old man. And a gallery is something I might add in the future. It'll probably be added when I release the final version
developed like life, well, he has already embodied in the game at least some of what I wrote about, at least a footjob with some girl in the game or from a harem, I wrote to you about this 162 days ago
Hi, like I said before, I'm not sure if I will do some FJ content, but if I do, it'll be with a specific character who I'll start work on in the future.
I spent the past few days playing this game, I'm gonna make a long reply for this one,for this is the game I seek for so long. I'll throw my every thoughts here.
Firstly, My thoughts before I downloaded: I've played some games with the similar hand-drawn-like art style, and those game are usually turned out to be delicate, so this is a green flag for me. And this page demonstrate some dominance content, which is to my preference. I have a gf in reality, and I'm loyal to her, so I don't feel like having romance relationships with jpg images. And dominance is also a fetish I like, so yes, this game seems to be a good choice for me.
Now, into the game: I was skipping everything at first, from my experience, story plots of these sole-devoloped games are usually boring and pointless, focus only on those waifus with some stereotype personalities(those cyber-brothel mobile games are not any better though). But when I stopped and read some dialogues, it turns out to be really good, it was vivid, funny, the balance between comedy and seriousness is on the right spot too. And everything is LOGICAL enough, every time I get confused with something, the plot gives an explanation, like when we confronted James and decided to enslaved him(her), I thought: "wait, what about those knights? They can't be letting us just took him away like that." And then they just justify everything in one piece. I have never played a game that'd put efforts into making sure the plot have solid logic, which is awesome.
And the characters, damn, they are awesome. Everyone has their unique personality, based on their previous life experiences, most choices or reactions they made are not OOC, which is also rare. Even Josh and Leng are very charming and I love them (but what is Leng, doing in the middle of the main screen? I thought he was the fxxking Mc at first you know.) They are just like my brother, from another mother. XD
The master/slave part: this is the best thing for me here. Most games with this topic, are abusing and mistreating the girls. I've always wanted to find a game with this mutual master/slave relationship, that both sides are happy and satisfied. I love it.(but the females are born to serve males statements are a little too intense for me though.)
The grinding parts are good for me too, not too grinding, not too short, I have to use in-game cheats for other trainer games, for the exaggerate amount of things I need to grind and lost immersion because of it. This game's grinding length is just on the right spot.
For cons though, the Mc is basically tricking everyone and slowly corrupted them into submission, and the girls are all suddenly being dumb during the training, but I guess it's the only way to make these harem fantasies to be somewhat logical. And some parts of the game are a little out of order, like I can click on Leng, and he will bro-talking with me, BEFORE I met him. Which makes me lost a little bit of immersion, but it's fine though, from the game developer's aspect this this indeed convenient. And some of the dialogues are repeating things too much, doesn't feels like how a real conversations go for me.
Now I wanna point out two specific arc:
First is Jasmine, I mean, I've played something like this before, which I have to trans my bro and my bully into my female playthings, but I just don't feel very comfortable about the idea, THAT MAKES ME FEEL LIKE I'M GAY, WHICH I'M NOT. But I see those efforts you put, to help(trick) us players into accepting this(I'm surprised this is not optional, since we get to decide some very important things in the other parts of the game). I see that you make a lot of approaches from different aspects and perspectives of many characters, to TRAIN us players into accepting this GAY thing..... But guess what? I've been convinced. Damnit.
The second is Cecelia's arc, Which Is absolute Cinema, IT'S SO FXXKING AWESOME. I decided to make a elite tier patreon donation right after this, and this is the first time I make donation to a game. it's just so fxxking good, please gimme more of this(I can't be supporting every month, so I'll be making donations once in a while though)
Lastly, some guessing:
for Bront, her eye and hair colours, her prophecy ability and providing of the essential items to progress the story, somewhat breaks the fourth wall. And she said she CAN'T INTERFERE DIRECTLY. I can see that Bront have something to do with the goddess, but the motivation is unrevealed. Maybe the goddess have many aspects that's beyond understanding, or maybe she is good and kind all along, and she just act mean like that, so we'd suck it all up and be tough for once...... Everything she did is somewhat leads to our benefits in the end...... Who knows?
And I'm curious how do you planning on the red hair girl in the future. As far as we know, she is in direct responsible for Violet and Cecelia's current miserable state, I'm curious how you gonna do to sort this conflict out between them.
Anyway, thanks for giving me a fantastic time playing and fulfilling my unsatisfied fetish.
I'm looking forward for the day you complete the game!!
And to answer a few of your questions. Originally I was planning to have a two separate route for Jasmine, but I was starting to realize that the game was getting out of hand in terms of size, so that's one thing I cut. I've decided to mainly keep different routes/paths only for the three main girls(Lily, the Red headed girl and the Princess).
As for the other girls like Lenya, Cecilia etc, it'll depend on the girl I'm working on. For example, v0.11 currently on my patreon, was voted by my members to fully make Jasmine your slave, so her route ends up with her as your loyal and submissive slave.
But v0.12 I'm now working on, was voted to be Lenya's love route, so there's going to be a lot of love/head patting content with her. But usually any submission content I do/plan for these girls, will not have any extreme abuse/mistreatment. The MC still loves them, so doesn't want to hurt his girls, even if he does dominate them.
And as for Bront, I get a lot of questions about her. I won't say too much since it'll be a while before I really get into her content, but she does have some kind of relationship with the Goddess.
I understand about cutting side characters' separate routes out, it'd become terribly complicated doing the division dialogues when everyone will be interacting at the same time, in main events
I'm sad that they choose the love route for the kittens, and it's even a overwhelming win. Nooo
I wanna ask something personal though, so feel free to answer/ignore, or lie: how much time you spend in average per day, to make such an amazing game? Is it something you love doing in leisure time?
I'm currently painting some miniature army when I'm not busy, maybe one day I'll be doing these fun projects too, so I'm really curious about what it's like, having a sole-devoloped game project at hand.
It can change, but as a solo dev, the hours I spend on my game are comparable to a 2nd full time job. So it does take a lot of my time working on Terrene.
But I don't mind, since I enjoy making this game.
If you ever want to make your own game, just start small and learn the basics you need, (like drawing, programming, writing etc.)
Can be a bit daunting at first, but is rewarding once you learn it.
Btw. Please do more scenes of stuff like the harem arguing about boob sizes and being jealous and that junk. Those were the funniest highlights of some time. Harem bullshit interactions and junk.
There will be more interactions like this in the future. Certain girls will get along just fine, but others will definitely argue and fight with each other.
So uhm, i know i might be talking about outdated stuff but i cannot go into the scene with the new scene with violet since it requires jasmine and lenya's stories but i already progressed both far already, i think? I just need help with this
I'll be adding more girls alarms when they move in, but I probably won't be adding much more to the alarm for previous characters. However, there will be other sex scenes added around the house though. (V0.11 on my patreon adds a sex dungeon, where Lily/Jasmine both have repeatable scene in there.
Hey, are all the pics on the homepage here already in the game? I didnt get the one with Jasmine chain (image 4) netheir the Jasmine and Lily threesome (image 9)...
Hey man I just download this game and (notes) I have the 0,9 version and it becomes two different game and I don't want to replay all of my gameplay in newest version how I repair it?
So when you gonna release the v11 in public I'm broke to sub and dollars is so high in my country currency (Indonesia) 😹 feel free to reply this or nahhh
So I think I might've found a small with celise's new stuff in the cave x-ray and continue on buttons aren't working on android dunno if anyone else has had this issue but I've just found it. From what I can see its being read by the other buttons on screen from the sleep, talk, etc. options
Edit: So sidenote I'm guessing its only if you leave and come back to the game, I know some games have that issue where it doesn't show it but some of the screen is distorted but you can only see it in saves images
I LOVE TERRENE SO BAD BRO THE STORIES IS SO GOOD, THE ART STYLE TOO, but if u adding sound like moan it's will bee good, and adding 3d little detail that's all LOVE TERRENE <3
Hey man, how u doing? Well, i am here to say that i am loving Terrene. When i first saw it i though, "Well, just another nsfw game". But this i the first game, and when i say game i mean from all gaming, that i really keep checking for the updates. The art is so good, the story, the sound effects. All of this is amazing. The final of act 2 with the red haired girl, all that terror thing, it was amazing! And Cecilia lore, Violet lore. It's peak! I really love Terrene, this game is really more than a nsfw game. I can see the love you put in the project. Keep up my man, you cook as hell! I would love to pay your patreon, but Brazil is C O O K E D at the moment, but when things get better. I insist on buying the Elite tier.
im currently soft locked i cant progess violet or jasmine, i managed to do every other girls story up to the max but i invited violet over and i havent been able to access her room (says currently unavailable) and same with jasmines (if her room is the 3rd left) im playing on the v10 public
I'm not exactly sure what you mean by get through the cave. But Cecilia's injured inside there and the player has to help her and once she's better you can both leave.
← Return to game
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Considering how update is coming this April, I thought that it might be funny if you released it during April Fool Day.
That would definitely be something, releasing on April fools. Looking at where I am though, I think sometime mid April if everything goes well
I got it working and i added a few touches with the startup (i put v1.10 instead of v0.10 so ignore that)
Rate it please or should i change it (he kinda looks like Gojo ngl)
There's no issue modding it. Definitely looks good.
uhh Cri-ten, whats happening. i cant start it
I haven't seen that error before, so not entirely sure what caused it. But it looks like an issue either with your drivers or your operating system, not working with the version of Ren'py my game is currently running at.
Try completely removing any ren'py games that have this issue(also delete any ren'py files from that directory it mentioned too). And reinstall.
If not, it could be an issue with your PC specifically, which I can't really help with unfortunately.
Hold on, i think i found a solution, i tell you if it works
This might be the best game I have play in a long time, it's just great man, I really hope everything goes smoothly with the development (really expecting pregnancy content) anyway, keep the good work
Glad you enjoyed it! And I do have plans for that pregnancy's content, but it'll probably be towards the end of the game
Can we also get the other 2 main girl ( Pink and Red hair girl) slave training event ?
Yes. They will have training similar to Lily - Both will have love and submission training depending on your choice.
Their content will be in Act 3 though. Right now I'm halfway through act 2.
Can we get act 3 at the end of this year ?
I'm not sure. I'm working on finishing Lenya's story for v0.12. After, I need to do Cecilia/Violet, then the final villain/finale for act 2. If I do somehow get to act 3, it'll be very late into the year, but realistically, it'll be next year most likely.
Ok good things takes time
Keep it up you and your team is doing a great job
Next year I will buy animation version
All good, no rush. Only buy it when you're financially fine and can afford it
You have literally the best story for a normal human being as a main character
I'm glad you've enjoyed it.
I wanted to make an interesting MC, but also made him normal, since he's meant to represent the player.
Felt it makes the story better, since he has to actually think about how to overcome problems.
Hope you update on my birthday hahahahaha (April 8)
Would be nice. The next update should be april sometime
Manifesting hahahaha
(Another question💀) I've seen that it takes about 2-3 months to release an update, so i think your next release maybe around March or April, am i correct?
[if it releases on my birthday {April 9} I'm marking it as best game ever👌]
Yeah. Right now v0.11 is already done and on my patreon. I'll release it here when I finish v0.12. It's looking like it'll be sometime April, when I finish
So version v0.12 will be a patreon exclusive? I thought it worked like we get the same versions as the patreons but their one is animated and they have cheats and stuff, dang now im one version behind😭
The patreon version is one ahead of the public. But it'll eventually come here. When I get closer to the games completion, I'll look to selling it here for people that also want to buy it
If the update drops, do you need to do the whole thing again or is there a way to somehow continue from the current update
[ im done the current update and when the new one comes, i aint grinding from the start😭]
Usually, saves from the previous update will work with the next update(Within 1 version of each other). You can also just jump to the act you want to start from, so you don't need to play the game from the beginning.
How much time to complete the full version of game broo 😎
You mean completion of the entire game? I'm not sure, since there's still a lot.
Right now I'm over half way through act 2.
After act 2, there's still other future acts I haven't started.
I hope it will complete before my marriage
I hope so too and good luck with your marriage.
Thanks buddy and you know before leaving erotic games I want to complete this game
Next update date
Around a month or so hopefully
Hope they still working on it and up soon
I am. Hopefully, I'll get the next update out soon.
man this game is awesome, great work
Glad you've enjoyed it so far! I'll hopefully get the next update out soon!
LOVE THIS GAME! However i think im stuck in act 2 i cannot fimd the map i Lengs room notsure if this is a bug or not.
Leng's room is in the adventurers guild, up the stairs, 2nd door.
If you can't find it, might be a bug from an old save. Try making a new game, jumping to the act you were on and see if it works.
yo created this account to be able to comment about your game. i'm a Christian and yes i play these types of games becasue i'm human not perfect(lol). but while i sin and play these games i want to tell you about my experience. This game is great i played the game up to latest verion(Whole story as well) and i will say brother your game is amazeing, story is 9/10 if i was to not be truly honest its a 10/10 the way the characters have feelings, personality, the fact that the mc is how we would be if we where in his situation feels great becasue Many games dont do that(Like ETERNUM at the recent chapters when the Mc got buff mind you no tranning as well and all of a sudden he's a chad'(this is a porn game not real life becasue we see to much of this in our day to day life like be yourself becasue thats why i loved their game at the start before, but i digress)'. your game dose a great Job at that he worked for his strength, and he is still himself and thats a big part when makeing games dont change the reason the fans and supporters loved the game at the start.). your game is my top 2 favs of corn games(also adictive lol) as a christian am not perfect but i dont lust even tho it seems i'm sining i am not lusting reason why its technically not a sin but i try to not sin regardless so its pretty funny to hear this from a guy as myself. Your animations dont need to be clean or perfect becasue how you did your animations are very good becasue it fits with your art style. it dosent need to be 3d if people are pushing that nataritive on you. and agin i been here sence the old anamation and it was fine i enjoyed it still. All am trying to say is keep it up brother your game is amazeing i enjoy laughing at jokes the mc says and how i can relate with the mc. an example of this was when he had to feed his trainer his seed for them to survive and i was laughing my but off. it was 1 of my favs moment in the game, And how the game is. your very unique and dont rush. This game has crazy potential and plot twist that could happen anytime becasue of whats its based on so be creative take your time if you want to contune the game dont rush and i will keep supporting brother. have a blessed day. I hope me writteing this to you just lets you know theirs others like me who think your game is amazeing and to not stop. And agin Godbless.
Thanks for the kind words! I'm glad you've enjoyed it so far. I hope to get the next version out soon, so look forward for it!
This might be dumb for me to ask but, when you finish this game fully, we'll have to actually pay for the full game, right?
I'll still have a free/public version, but the final version I plan on selling, will have everything available currently on my patreon -Animations, full story content, etc
if possible could it be like cheats or special content for the paid version but the free version still gets to the end because i actually really want to get to the end of this and see what happens
I do plan to continue releasing the free version here and it'll have the same core story content
Just created an account for this masterpiece... I don't even need to talk about logic flow, bonding with characters. This game is both my first adult game and my first visual novel game I've ever played. I really thought about "What would happen to Lily if I won't go back to town in 10 days?" Then game told me I can leave money to Lily. I was always thinking about Lily when I was in the forest. It's only been 4-5(?) hours gameplay and I'm just addicted to this game lol even if I dont have that master/slave or bonding fetish. The only bad thing is lack of sound effects. The game would be more lively if there were sound effects. I'll give it a solid 8.5 out of 10. Good job man I hope we can see your new projects like this too.
I'm glad you've enjoyed it so far! I'm currently in the middle of work for the next update, so hopefully it won't be too long until it's released.
Will there be any content for secondary characters like Alice or Bront ?
Yes. Alice's content will be in act 2, but towards the end of it.
Bront will also have a lot of content too, but hers is still far away. Maybe after act 3, so it won't be for a while.
Alright. Thanks for the anwer. Looking forward to the next updates !
good game so far!!! my only complein will be that some animations get locked up when you progress in the history. I wish there was a gallery or some kind of variation on the scenes that can be selected after the story "progresses". (but for now i use old saves in case i want to play old scenes)
again good game.
Note: the slave/love system work for someone other than lily and violet? (the "second act" feels more story-driven than "using progress bars")
again good game.
Glad you've enjoyed it! I have some ideas for a gallery in a future update, but nothing guaranteed yet. And there will be more training similar to Lily, in act 3. Act 2 is more for the secondary girls/their stories and romances
ok. looking forward to the next act !!!!
for chapter 3 could you make it business oriented like you pay for upkeep taxes but you also get passive income even though at the start it wont be much at all
I do have some ideas for passive income. It'll probably be from when Lily becomes the Mayor
will you add in tax to so that a person couldn't just grind it up or make a bigger debt to pay back and will the cat girls be highly jealous of the others later so much they will start fighting and your game is pretty entertaining
It'll probably be a weekly income or something along that way. And yes. The current version I'm working on is Lenya's next update and there will be a lot of jealously between the cat girls.
Femboy will appear in this game?
There will be no femboys/male romances. I only plan on doing straight relationships with the MC only.
ok then, what a shame :(
Am seeing some of these comments and... It might be cause i mainly skip through much of the Dialog (like I do everywhere...), and...
I actually thought they were just a weirdo man with 3rd wall-breaking abilities lol
Also, really awesome game, waiting for updates, the game seems really, really promising
Edit1: I am now reading the secondary characters log... And just noticed it says "she"... Lol...
Also, could it be possible to add something of a Gallery? To view the scenes from the game... Ones we done are unlocked and the ones we havent done yet are locked, maybe with bits of hints?... Probably just S*x-like scenes...
Yes, she's a girl. But only the MC knows that, since everyone else sees her as an old man. And a gallery is something I might add in the future. It'll probably be added when I release the final version
Hi, like I said before, I'm not sure if I will do some FJ content, but if I do, it'll be with a specific character who I'll start work on in the future.
I spent the past few days playing this game, I'm gonna make a long reply for this one,for this is the game I seek for so long. I'll throw my every thoughts here.
Firstly, My thoughts before I downloaded: I've played some games with the similar hand-drawn-like art style, and those game are usually turned out to be delicate, so this is a green flag for me. And this page demonstrate some dominance content, which is to my preference. I have a gf in reality, and I'm loyal to her, so I don't feel like having romance relationships with jpg images. And dominance is also a fetish I like, so yes, this game seems to be a good choice for me.
Now, into the game: I was skipping everything at first, from my experience, story plots of these sole-devoloped games are usually boring and pointless, focus only on those waifus with some stereotype personalities(those cyber-brothel mobile games are not any better though). But when I stopped and read some dialogues, it turns out to be really good, it was vivid, funny, the balance between comedy and seriousness is on the right spot too. And everything is LOGICAL enough, every time I get confused with something, the plot gives an explanation, like when we confronted James and decided to enslaved him(her), I thought: "wait, what about those knights? They can't be letting us just took him away like that." And then they just justify everything in one piece. I have never played a game that'd put efforts into making sure the plot have solid logic, which is awesome.
And the characters, damn, they are awesome. Everyone has their unique personality, based on their previous life experiences, most choices or reactions they made are not OOC, which is also rare. Even Josh and Leng are very charming and I love them (but what is Leng, doing in the middle of the main screen? I thought he was the fxxking Mc at first you know.) They are just like my brother, from another mother. XD
The master/slave part: this is the best thing for me here. Most games with this topic, are abusing and mistreating the girls. I've always wanted to find a game with this mutual master/slave relationship, that both sides are happy and satisfied. I love it.(but the females are born to serve males statements are a little too intense for me though.)
The grinding parts are good for me too, not too grinding, not too short, I have to use in-game cheats for other trainer games, for the exaggerate amount of things I need to grind and lost immersion because of it. This game's grinding length is just on the right spot.
For cons though, the Mc is basically tricking everyone and slowly corrupted them into submission, and the girls are all suddenly being dumb during the training, but I guess it's the only way to make these harem fantasies to be somewhat logical. And some parts of the game are a little out of order, like I can click on Leng, and he will bro-talking with me, BEFORE I met him. Which makes me lost a little bit of immersion, but it's fine though, from the game developer's aspect this this indeed convenient. And some of the dialogues are repeating things too much, doesn't feels like how a real conversations go for me.
Now I wanna point out two specific arc:
First is Jasmine, I mean, I've played something like this before, which I have to trans my bro and my bully into my female playthings, but I just don't feel very comfortable about the idea, THAT MAKES ME FEEL LIKE I'M GAY, WHICH I'M NOT. But I see those efforts you put, to help(trick) us players into accepting this(I'm surprised this is not optional, since we get to decide some very important things in the other parts of the game). I see that you make a lot of approaches from different aspects and perspectives of many characters, to TRAIN us players into accepting this GAY thing..... But guess what? I've been convinced. Damnit.
The second is Cecelia's arc, Which Is absolute Cinema, IT'S SO FXXKING AWESOME. I decided to make a elite tier patreon donation right after this, and this is the first time I make donation to a game. it's just so fxxking good, please gimme more of this(I can't be supporting every month, so I'll be making donations once in a while though)
Lastly, some guessing:
for Bront, her eye and hair colours, her prophecy ability and providing of the essential items to progress the story, somewhat breaks the fourth wall. And she said she CAN'T INTERFERE DIRECTLY. I can see that Bront have something to do with the goddess, but the motivation is unrevealed. Maybe the goddess have many aspects that's beyond understanding, or maybe she is good and kind all along, and she just act mean like that, so we'd suck it all up and be tough for once...... Everything she did is somewhat leads to our benefits in the end...... Who knows?
And I'm curious how do you planning on the red hair girl in the future. As far as we know, she is in direct responsible for Violet and Cecelia's current miserable state, I'm curious how you gonna do to sort this conflict out between them.
Anyway, thanks for giving me a fantastic time playing and fulfilling my unsatisfied fetish.
I'm looking forward for the day you complete the game!!
I'm glad you've enjoyed it!
And to answer a few of your questions. Originally I was planning to have a two separate route for Jasmine, but I was starting to realize that the game was getting out of hand in terms of size, so that's one thing I cut. I've decided to mainly keep different routes/paths only for the three main girls(Lily, the Red headed girl and the Princess).
As for the other girls like Lenya, Cecilia etc, it'll depend on the girl I'm working on. For example, v0.11 currently on my patreon, was voted by my members to fully make Jasmine your slave, so her route ends up with her as your loyal and submissive slave.
But v0.12 I'm now working on, was voted to be Lenya's love route, so there's going to be a lot of love/head patting content with her. But usually any submission content I do/plan for these girls, will not have any extreme abuse/mistreatment. The MC still loves them, so doesn't want to hurt his girls, even if he does dominate them.
And as for Bront, I get a lot of questions about her. I won't say too much since it'll be a while before I really get into her content, but she does have some kind of relationship with the Goddess.
Thanks for the answering!
I understand about cutting side characters' separate routes out, it'd become terribly complicated doing the division dialogues when everyone will be interacting at the same time, in main events
I'm sad that they choose the love route for the kittens, and it's even a overwhelming win. Nooo
I wanna ask something personal though, so feel free to answer/ignore, or lie: how much time you spend in average per day, to make such an amazing game? Is it something you love doing in leisure time?
I'm currently painting some miniature army when I'm not busy, maybe one day I'll be doing these fun projects too, so I'm really curious about what it's like, having a sole-devoloped game project at hand.
It can change, but as a solo dev, the hours I spend on my game are comparable to a 2nd full time job. So it does take a lot of my time working on Terrene.
But I don't mind, since I enjoy making this game.
If you ever want to make your own game, just start small and learn the basics you need, (like drawing, programming, writing etc.)
Can be a bit daunting at first, but is rewarding once you learn it.
Thanks for letting me know!!
Btw. Please do more scenes of stuff like the harem arguing about boob sizes and being jealous and that junk. Those were the funniest highlights of some time. Harem bullshit interactions and junk.
There will be more interactions like this in the future. Certain girls will get along just fine, but others will definitely argue and fight with each other.
The princess and the monster seem like the most primed to it
Yeah, those two will definitely be at odds with each other. I've got a few ideas planned for them both, which I think people will really enjoy
So uhm, i know i might be talking about outdated stuff but i cannot go into the scene with the new scene with violet since it requires jasmine and lenya's stories but i already progressed both far already, i think? I just need help with this
To go further with Violet, Jasmine story requires her to be your BJ maid and in Lenya's, you need to reach the point where you've patted Lenora
I've gotten to the point to pat lenora but jasmine being my BJ maid, how do i trigger it?
Just playing Jasmine's story content will unlock it eventually
Ever thought of extending the lily naked apron scene where you have the option to fuck her even more/longer?
Any thoughts on making the good morning blowjob alarm extended to having lots and tons of sex after in bed?
I'll be adding more girls alarms when they move in, but I probably won't be adding much more to the alarm for previous characters. However, there will be other sex scenes added around the house though. (V0.11 on my patreon adds a sex dungeon, where Lily/Jasmine both have repeatable scene in there.
Hey, are all the pics on the homepage here already in the game? I didnt get the one with Jasmine chain (image 4) netheir the Jasmine and Lily threesome (image 9)...
Some are from the next version on my patreon. v0.11 focus on Jasmine
okay, thks you for the answer
Hi, does the patreon version have the v0.11?
It does. The patrron version is always one version ahead
Hey man I just download this game and (notes) I have the 0,9 version and it becomes two different game and I don't want to replay all of my gameplay in newest version how I repair it?
You don't have to replay from the start. I give the option to jump to whatever act you want.
Oh thanks mate I love your gameeee💖💖💖
Glad you've enjoyed it!
So when you gonna release the v11 in public I'm broke to sub and dollars is so high in my country currency (Indonesia) 😹 feel free to reply this or nahhh
I usually aim for a new release every 3 months.
Hey! The game is great so far but I cannot go on since this problem happened
Exception: In DynamicImage 'lenoraside_clothes_[SecondaryCharacterList[23].changeClothes]_pose5': IndexError('list index out of range')
How can I fix this?
Did you use an old save? That is the main cause for a bug like that. Try making a new game, jump to act 2 and see if you still have that bug.
Does the protagonist have powers?
He does not. Others do though.
So I think I might've found a small with celise's new stuff in the cave x-ray and continue on buttons aren't working on android dunno if anyone else has had this issue but I've just found it. From what I can see its being read by the other buttons on screen from the sleep, talk, etc. options
Edit: So sidenote I'm guessing its only if you leave and come back to the game, I know some games have that issue where it doesn't show it but some of the screen is distorted but you can only see it in saves images
Yeah, seems to an issue with some Android devices. I'll add it to bug fixes for v0.12 and have a look
I LOVE TERRENE SO BAD BRO THE STORIES IS SO GOOD, THE ART STYLE TOO, but if u adding sound like moan it's will bee good, and adding 3d little detail that's all LOVE TERRENE <3
Glad you've enjoyed it!
Hey man, how u doing? Well, i am here to say that i am loving Terrene. When i first saw it i though, "Well, just another nsfw game". But this i the first game, and when i say game i mean from all gaming, that i really keep checking for the updates. The art is so good, the story, the sound effects. All of this is amazing. The final of act 2 with the red haired girl, all that terror thing, it was amazing! And Cecilia lore, Violet lore. It's peak! I really love Terrene, this game is really more than a nsfw game. I can see the love you put in the project. Keep up my man, you cook as hell! I would love to pay your patreon, but Brazil is C O O K E D at the moment, but when things get better. I insist on buying the Elite tier.
Glad you've enjoyed it so far! I'll be starting work on the next version soon, so hopefully it won't be too long until the next update.
And no need to pay if money's tight. Just playing the game is more than enough support!
im currently soft locked i cant progess violet or jasmine, i managed to do every other girls story up to the max but i invited violet over and i havent been able to access her room (says currently unavailable) and same with jasmines (if her room is the 3rd left) im playing on the v10 public
Their rooms are in the 2nd hallway. Jasmines is first on the right and violets is first on the left. If it's a bug, could be from an outdated save
yeah im just being blind, need a big arrow to point at that arrow at the bottom right of the screen :))
How does Cecilia get through in the cave?
I'm not exactly sure what you mean by get through the cave. But Cecilia's injured inside there and the player has to help her and once she's better you can both leave.
Cecilia becomes too exhausted and injured to move. It's only after the player helps her get her energy and health back, that she can move
Yo is the game finished or...
The game is not. It's about halfway through the 2nd act
Hi the game its very tuff but i have 1 question how to improve the guild rank end I cant training Violet anymore is that normal thank you
Guild ranking is currently capped at a certain level and if you've finished all of Violet's available content, then you can't train her